my destiny, my life.....: June 2009

Saturday, June 27, 2009


sometimes when you feel your being the sloppy second
EVADE...i think thats the best word to describe what i am doing now.
i am evading
plus its not like i need all this bullshit now.
i got other things to think about.
i am so sick of how some people can just pick you when they need you and like dump you away the next second.
i mean its super bloody disgusting of certain people to be like that oh well
i am done

so i cant wait for school to start.
alot of things have been happening
and school starting seems like a good way to evade.
plus your there
and when your there
birds start singing and theres suddenly background music
why am i soo cheesy
oh well
but its true
maybe i am going kookoo
who knows

your prob deep in sleep
in your very own dreamland
sweet dreams to you
still missing you:D

Thursday, June 25, 2009

transformers 2


i went to watch transformers yest with acha and mum
man it was fantastic,amazing, great,awesome and cool
what can i say lar.its the best movie i watched this year.
btw shia labrouf is very cute haha i cant believe he has grown so much.
he is selena gomez 's crush
haha cute

oh and not forgetting the super extremely hot megan fox
no words can describe how hot she is lar.
she has beautiful eyes
anyway those who haven catch this movie
its a must watch and you should watch the first movie before this one
you would understand better.
this movie is the most anticipated movie of the year and i proudly say its worth going to the theater to see.
its pretty lonog..but youll be so glued to the screen the whole time.
you might want to book tickerts early cause many many people are going to watch it.
best theater to go to is vivo
cause the sound system is amazing.
i love this movie man
i love shia
and i love magan fox!

Monday, June 22, 2009

withdrawal symptoms

university of california berkely.its so nice.

boston university its huge man

my dream uni.brown university(in winter its so beautiful)

brown uni ..the campus is so nice
so those are one of the few uni's i am thinking abt
okay so i am kind of having withdrawal symptoms.
what is it??...its just separation from people you care abt or so badly wanna see.
i dont even know why i am feeling like this.its just when you dont see someone for so long
and all you wanna do is just see the person..or meet the few words.but because
of time,busy schedules,studies,work.
its like i haven seen you in so long..and its like damn exhausting because when i dont see you thats when i gets so twitchy and emo and like start making super awkward conversations with my damn close friends.and when i see you and when ur around i am like soaring through the skies and as free as a bird...and i got a reason to be where i am and i just wanna keep going.

ill never understand how.
your like some special miracle water or something.
you know i miss you.
and you know i wanna see you.
so please stop giving me mental torture by being mia

secondly...i miss memeks so much again
its like all i keep doing is looking at the pics taken on the 18th of june and laugh and smile
mummy thought i was mad cause i was laughing at the laptop.
point is when ever i am with them
there is meaning in life again.
its like i wanna look forward to the future.
there is so much coming for me.
so so so much
you know secondary school its not even close to what the real world is about
and knowing that i am getting closer to the real world
gosh its so scary yet exciting
daddy always keeps saying
the world out there is wicked
and we have to work our way up
people are not that nice.

i guess he is somehow right
its like we got to not only look at the rosy paintings of our future
but the dark sides too
cause then we will be more prepared to handle certain obstacles that come our way.

i got this card which was a quote from the bible.
it somehow just had so much meaning to me
i am not preaching haha just saying
"With God all things are possible." - Matthew 19:26

its also the same as if you believe in something..its possible.
it may not have to be god..
but if you believe in your self its also possible

i am never the religous type i dont pray much
but i know one thing
god has plans for us
and sometimes'
if we loose something in life..we gain something else
so keep believing
i am ready to fight whatever challanges i may face going down the road to my future aspirations
and nothing will come in the way of me and going to states.
its not a dream that i only thought abt in the later years of my life.
its not just a dream i just came up with or suddenly decided
i have been dreaming abt going states and staying since i was five..
since i was watching tv in the living room with my aunty in ang mokio and saw this USA documentary and how my aunt was telling me abt it..
i was 5 and i knew that was the place i wanted to go.

Friday, June 19, 2009

memeks day 2009

this was the pic taken when we were having dinner at pizza hut
i think i was talking to bobo thats y i looked like that haha

memeks went to sentosa beach for
our memeks day.we decided that 18th of june
would be memeks day as it was the day we stepped down
from the on 18thjune we were one year old haha
it was a great day.i mean i missed them so much
and in the night we just spend time talking abt the future
one amazing thing abt having a family like this.
its so easy to communicate and there is so much of love and care
so yeah haha here are some pics

me and my pal.even though venus doesnt have a proper nose
bridge haha she looked awesome with her sunglasses.

before heading to the beach..while walking

whats up with yj face hahaha

haha i dont know what i was doing ...

we head to palawan beach .they were having some summer fest thing
its kinda weird cause for singapore

yes the two china nuts haha..i still love them

while crossing the bridge haha

our cake haha it was damn nice.(cheesecake)

atika and yj

me and yj! haha

bobo was just so shy haha

the threesome

one candle for memeks!

hey can u see me i am right behind haha

so thats how i looked from the back

bobo and pal

ahchoo comtemplating on life and thinking of how its all abt eating
KFC student meal hahahaha

i dunno what the hell venus is trying to do lar haha

venus with the same face..spastic lar

i was like enjoying the view in the front haha


setting up the tent..was very funny..esp atika and bobo sick convo

saifuls artwork..looks alot like him

bobo and his tree trunk legs haha

i dunno why they took this pic.i just finished changing haha



yeah venus trying to be cool..haiz this idiot did alot of stupid things that day

i was so exhausted after playing frisbee..its like i and venus were running arnd like mad dogs

what can i say...yj 's got a big head


okay i totally dont agree that my shades looks fierce

haha i think memeks was making fun of me cause of something i did

nice pic ...with saiful legs as a background

saifuls got the sick stalker look haha

waa the most awesome pic of the season
venus looks like bugsbunny

bobo i dunno what ur doing


okay i really wanted to take a nice pic
and then it was totally ruined haha

me and my dearest pal

going back to change

memeks it was an awesome day.
i had a bad morning but it all changed when i went to meet you guys.
thanks for making my day
i love you guys so much.
its outings like these that heals the pain
happy memeks day 2009